We have all been in relationships. Whether it was dating someone to friendships. We have all had relationships where the other person does not treat us the way we should be treated. To feel loved and cared for by the other person. We would show all of our love to them and get nothing in return. But with relationships like these we can all learn something from them. We learn to love ourselves. So thank you. To the people who hurt us, broke our hearts, to the ones who did not care for us, thank you because you are the reason I have learned to love myself.
To the one who showed me to love myself,
You know, for a split second I thought you were the one. The one to take me away from my fears. I thought you would be the one who would always have my back, someone to take all my insecurities and make them go away. For a moment, I thought that I had found the one who would make my life so much better. I thought you were the missing piece in my life. But I was wrong.
Instead you hurt me, you tore me a part, and yet again you broke me. You broke me over and over again to a point I wasn't able to put myself back together again. But I have to say one thing to you. Thank you.
Thank you for hurting me. It is because of you that I am the person I am today. I have learned to love myself. I don't need you to show me what love is. Hell, you never showed me what love was to begin with.
I don't need you to show me my worth anymore. I know who I am as a person. I have learned to love myself. You did not help with my insecurities. Instead, you made them worse. You made me feel worthless, ugly, and most importantly you made me feel unloved.
Now, being happy as I can be, I can look at myself in the mirror with a smile on my face and say "I am worth it. I am me. I am beautiful. I love myself". You did nothing but bring me down every chance you got. But you taught me something very important. I have realized that I do not need anyone to tell me what my worth is. I have to love myself first.
You are right, I am too insecure about myself. You are right, I don't realize how great I am. But you are wrong when you say I can't live without you. If anything I have realized that I am better off without you. At the end of the day I am happier. I feel prettier and I know my worth.
I have finally come to the realization that I do not need anyone to show me who I am or how special I am. I have to do that for myself.
So, thank you. Even though you left me alone, I found my way out. You helped me become as strong as I am today.
Love, an unstoppable girl