So you are in love. I remember what that used to feel like. The constant flutter of butterflies in your stomach and the aching to want to be with the one you love. The feelings of missing him were almost unbearable, but it all seemed to be worth it. You would dream about your life together every night and always wake up in the morning feeling like it could almost be true. The only thing that could truly make you happy was a text or a call from him at the most unexpected times. Nothing could ever come close to the way he made you feel, I know. Your life seemed perfect with him. Finally, you thought to yourself, I found the one. Your happiness depended on his existence and your world orbited around his.
Well, hello from the future, I'm here to tell you to snap out of it.
He was never in this 100 percent, while you devoted your every bit of energy to loving him. You took precious time away from your studies and your sport to daydream about him. He on the other hand, only thought of you when it was convenient. I know you didn't know any better, but you put him before yourself in so many situations where you needed to focus on you. The love you had for him blinded you from what was important, YOUR future.
On the other hand, I respect how much effort you put into him. Even without physically being with him you worked every day to make your relationship feel present in each other's lives. But you missed out. You missed out on your surroundings when you were looking down at your phone waiting for a text. You missed a great conversation with a guy friend because you were too afraid he would want something more. You missed out on movie nights with friends because you were sitting around waiting for a Facetime call, a call that never actually came. You wasted money on stamps, cards, and care packages. Your world was stagnant with him, your eyes were fixated on him and not on your future. It's harsh, but then again, I don't blame you and your vulnerable heart.
I don't blame you that every time you looked into those ice blue eyes, you melted with weak knees. I don't blame you that every time you saw those freckles spotted across his face your heart grew warm. I don't blame you that every time you ran your fingers through his topaz tinted hair your spine would tingle. But I do blame you for choosing to hurt yourself every time he gave you less and less than what you deserved. Every time he fell through with plans and every time he failed to never text you back. Every time he went silent on the phone because he didn't feel like talking. And every time he didn't choose you when you always chose him. I blame you for thinking your happiness depended on how he would make you feel.
Because that’s just simply not how it works.
It has been five months now and I can truthfully tell you I survived. I survived without the daily texts, the weekly calls, and the Snapchats. I've survived knowing he no longer loves me. I've survived living on my own. Heck, I've done more than survive, I've finally lived.
I can live without worrying about his unfaithful actions. I can live with only the care of where my life is headed, without the dependence of someone else's path. There are more sources of love than the one you got from him. It seems scary but life does go on without him in your life. There are friends who can give you the same feelings of affection and other guys who will treat you better than the way he did. Soon there will be another boy whose eyes are more captivating than his. He will make you laugh harder than your past lover did once before. Suddenly your smile won't be forced but it will become habitual when you are with your new lover.
So to the girlfriend I was six months ago, there is a world that exists outside of your relationship. A world that survives without the comfort and love of another person. A world that provides you with the same and even more happiness that you thought only occurred in a relationship. Being single will open doors to new experiences and deeper levels of happiness and freedom you could never have imagined.
If I were you, I'd let him go.