Dear Girl With High Standards,
I know what you're feeling right now. As you are snuggled up in bed trying to gather your thoughts, you cannot help but wish someone was next to you. You want to be able to look over your shoulder and just talk about your day with your best friend, but he's not there. He hasn't been there for awhile now and you are questioning: where is he?
You try to pre-occupy your mind with distractions but somehow they all seem to remind you that you're right where you are. Alone.
Although you've been single for awhile and enjoy the time you have with yourself, you wonder why you haven't had the chance to experience love. Whether it be something short and sweet or long term and serious.
You have fought the thoughts of "what's wrong with me? or "am I not good enough?" for awhile now. You know that those thoughts are lies, though. You have come to know that nothing is wrong with you and that you are good enough.
It clicks. You have had opportunities to date and flirt with guys but you chose not to. Realization hits, you have high standards. Suddenly, thoughts like "are my standards too high?" start coming into play.
That's where I want to step in.
Age doesn't define you. You could be sixteen, seventy-six or somewhere in between. You've held tight to your standards and you don't want to let go of the pride in them.
Your list might be something simple as "blue eyes and man bun" or be more intricate like "A firm believer in Jesus" or "A guy who will cherish my fatherless kid like they are his." The list can be very specific and yet no one has truly qualified for it.
"Should I settle for someone who is close enough?"
No, you shouldn't. You are worthy to find someone who is imperfectly perfect for you. Although there may be times where he might not meet the entire list, he will hold true to the qualities you really yearn for him to have.
Settling could NEVER be an option.
Keep your head up. The single life isn't easy. Love is all around us and it can't be avoided. Next time you are doubting where you stand, remember that the couples you admired were facing the same strife you are currently. Good things come to those who wait. Instead of jumping into a relationship as soon as one might be coming your way, know that God has created someone for you. He is working in you and he is working in your future husband. Sometimes in being single, God is still adjusting things in us before we can become one with him.
Enjoy life where you are at. When you are in bed alone thinking about the what ifs in life, choose to change your focus. Realize that those thoughts could tear you down instead of build you up.
Having high standards isn't a bad thing. It could be the one thing saving you from a heartbreak. Keep holding tight to the things you want in life. Dreams do come true.
The girl who also has high standards.