Dear Thanksgiving,
It’s been quite some time since I’ve last been with you. It’s hard to believe the time of being with you again is here. I must admit one thing, I’ve missed you. I know you think that because Christmas is my favorite holiday, I don’t love you, but that isn’t true. You are one of a kind, a day of giving thanks, and being with your loved ones eating delicious food. Yes, Christmas has the presents, but Thanksgiving, you are irresistible.
I missed turkey. Yes, I know that sometimes I have turkey bacon or sliced turkey on my sandwich, but it is no Thanksgiving turkey. I can’t lie, though; stuffing is the one thing I missed the most. Oh, how I can eat stuffing leftovers for days… and the cranberry sauce! How could I not eat spoonfuls of cranberry sauce?
I’m always the happiest eating all the food on Thanksgiving. You bring me so much joy and happiness. Especially after the food coma, the nap is the best out of all the naps I’ve ever taken. Something about you just excites me every year for more. One last thing, I must give a shout out to the pumpkin pie, the ultimate of pies, the alpha male of pies. How do you taste more delicious each Thanksgiving?
I look forward to seeing you November 24.
The hungriest girl