I'd just like to say thank you. Thank you to all of the teachers I've had from preschool all the way up to my senior year of high school. I've learned a lot in my fifteen years of schooling and a lot of what I have learned wasn't from a lecture or a standard school lesson. I've had many conversations with my past teachers, mainly after being out of their classes for some time. I always leave the conversations with more knowledge, a better view on a situation, or just the wise words of my favorite educators.
I've always wanted to be a teacher. I was in the second grade when I started watching my teacher teach and learn the way she instructed. She is the one that made me want to become a teacher. Every teacher I have had after her has shaped my world differently, just as the teachers before her. Every year as I get closer to graduation, I think of them all and how much they mean to me.
Without my teachers, without your teachers, without any teacher ever, there would be close to nothing, in my opinion. It's no lie that teachers make all other careers possible. Teachers help make the world a better place and I feel as though all the teachers I've had in my life are absolutely the major contributors. The way they are with their students, the way they lead classrooms and the way they are as people are what make me all look up to them. When I'm asked who my role model is, I have a list. A list of more than 15 names for the past 15 years of homework and group projects and book reports and everything else that made me love school and my future career.
So, again, thank you. Thank you to the most wonderful educators I've ever had the pleasure of knowing, being taught by, and being friends with now years later. I try my hardest every year not only for myself and my family, but for all of you that have taught me and watched me grow over the years. I work to the best of my ability and never give up because that's what all of you have taught me.