Struggling LGBTQA+ Christian Brothers and Sisters:
I address you with nothing but love and admiration in my heart.
Perhaps you’re open about falling under the LGBTQA+ umbrella.
Perhaps you haven’t come out, fearing a negative reaction from friends and family.
Perhaps you are trying to find the courage to come out to yourself. Denying your true self out of fear.
It’s not always easy to have faith; especially when people who claim to be followers of Christ tell you that a part of your identity is unnatural and wrong. College can be an especially trying time. Most campuses will have their share of hateful religious protestors waving “HELL IS REAL” signs, shoving a skewed interpretation of God’s word down your throat.
But your gender identity and sexuality aren’t a conscious choice; they are part of who you are at your core. You know this, God knows this. It is not a mistake. You were made in God’s image, so no part of you is wrong.
"Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee…" (Jeremiah 1:5)
You are strong, whether you believe it or not.
You are so much stronger than even you know.
To face a constant judgment from those who do not understand, and maybe even from yourself, can take a toll. When faced with hate, it can be difficult to turn the other cheek as Christ would have done. The ignorance of self-identified “Christians” make it easy to turn away from God and see the church as a toxic environment. But know, Christian Brothers and Sisters, that you are not alone. If you are outcast by your family, by members of your church, other members of the LGBTQA+, know that God has not turned His back on you. God will never stop loving you. Know that their are other Christians just like you, and allies that know and love you for who you are.
Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God. Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love. (1 John 4:7-8)
My LGBTQA+ Brothers and Sisters,
You are important
Your identity is valid
You are brave
You are strong
You are loved
If you are a member of a church that is a toxic environment, I'm encouraging you to walk away from your church, but not your faith. You can visit to find a welcoming, LGBTQA+ friendly church near you.