I used to smoke pot a lot actually. And now, in 2016, we are entering a point where marijuana is becoming more trendy, more public, and more accepted. And I will say, I do indulge in a puff or two every now and then. Not as much as I used to, but I will admit, I do appreciate they way it makes me feel every once in awhile.
However, what I do not understand is the trend to rub weed in everyone's face. Yes, we get it, you smoke pot, congrats. If you are going to smoke marijuana, do it in a mature way. Do not brag about how “fire” your trees are, bro. It is not necessary to wear articles of clothing containing pot leafs… I look at you the same way that I look at the people who wear Bud Light tee’s overtime they go out to the bar (we get it man, you drink).
If marijuana is to be taken seriously, we as people, as a collective of users, need to bring it into its mature stages. You do not need to down others for choosing other sources of fulfillment. People are still cool if they don’t smoke pot. We need to respect that, just as we should respect people who don’t feel the need to drink alcohol.
Now, just inhale these thoughts, and exhale positive vibes.