This past year has been one that I will never forget. It has been a year filled with the highest highs and the lowest lows. It has been a year since I joined one of the best organizations I have ever been involved with. I became a sister of Alpha Chi Omega. Looking back even just one year, I don’t remember the small details of being in a sorority. I don’t remember the small details of dances, socials, chapters, or events, I remember the people. I remember the faces of the girls who bring me so much joy. The people who I surrounded myself with. The people who make me so unbelievably happy. The people who I call my sisters. Never in a million years would I have ever expected to love 150+ girls in my entire life and I know, you are all probably thinking how strange and weird that might sound but, its true. It’s a sisterhood. It’s a place where we can all lean on each other for support and guidance. I care so much for these girls and I know if any one of them needed me, I would be right there in a heartbeat, with no questions asked, and I know that any one of them would do the same thing for me or another sister. These girls mean so much to me so, I just want all of these sisters to know how much they really do mean to me. So here it goes.
To my sorority sisters.
Every single girl has changed my life. Every single one of you has made me a better me. Each and every single one of you have pushed me to become a better version of my self and I can not thank you all enough. You give me a purpose and sense of hope in life. You all give me that motivation that I need most to keep pushing and moving forward. All of your smiles are infectious. All of your laughs are infectious. And all of your happiness is infectious. Every single one of you make me so happy even if it is hard to see at times. I know I am not the happiest person all the time and I know I have a lot of personal struggles but, I just want to thank you all for sticking by me when I know it may seem impossible. I know the second I walk into chapter, or an event, and see all of your bright and beautiful faces, all that sadness or anxiety I had been feeling prior goes out the window because I know that for the next few hours, I will be spending that time with people I love, and with people that bring me so much happiness. Every single sister, whether a new member, existing member, or a sister from a different school, has brought out the positivity in me that I need most so for that, thank you all so much. Thank you for picking me up when I’m down. Thank you for asking me if I am alright when I need it the most. Thank you for making me laugh so hard that I start crying. Thank you for showing me what the true meaning of sisterhood is. But most importantly, thank you for being you. Seeing that love all of you have for one another is so inspiring to me. I know moving forward, that love I have for all my sisters, and that love we have for one another will just grow. We will become closer, and depend on each other more. I know that no matter where we all end up in life, we will always be sisters. You will always be girls I call sisters and you will always be girls I look up to and admire. This experience of having 150+ girls that I am able to call my sisters will always be an experience I will never forget, even when I am old, smelly, and clueless. Thank you for being the best sisters a girl could wish for. You are all, and will always be, real strong beautiful women.