Dear Little,
Knowing I’m leaving you in just a few weeks breaks my heart. It feels like just yesterday I met you. For me, it was love at first sight. I vowed to protect you through the rush process in hopes of my sorority extending you a bid. I know you had absolutely no idea what was going on and I’m pretty sure I came off creepy, but I hope by this point, you’re thankful. Back then I didn’t know you’d be my little, let alone one of the most important people in my life, but I couldn’t be happier with how things turned out.
It wasn’t my time to take a little and I wasn’t sure I was ready, but as soon as I met you, I knew I had to try. And thank goodness I did. I was prepared to meet and rush girls, but I had no idea how much I’d have in common with one. I jokingly say I’m socially awkward, but talking to you came so naturally. I’m truly blessed you showed up on the dance floor of a dark, frat’s basement.
You make me want to be a better person and you inspire me in so many ways. You’re kind hearted, determined, and passionate. You’re the first one to make sure sisters are okay and to volunteer even when you have major tests coming up. You’ve taught me how to put someone else’s needs before my own. As horrible as it sounds, at first, I had a hard time remembering to look after you and invite you places. But now, I do it without thinking. I can’t even go two days without seeing you. I know I’m supposed to be your role model, but I want you to know I look up to you more than you probably know.
I’m seriously the luckiest sorority girl to have you as a little. From buying me little gifts to sending me good morning texts, you surprise me every day. I appreciate you thinking of me and brightening my day when I need it most. For that, I’m forever grateful.
Thank you for everything you have done for me. You take care of me when I’m not so sure I can do it myself. You call me every time you know I’m upset (or just to update me on your life.) You buy me food when I’m too broke. And I know you’re there for me at any hour of the day. You’re everything I could have ever imagined wanting in a little.
I feel even luckier when sisters tell me that they envy our bond. What can I say? We’re the perfect pair. Together we’re tackling this journey we call “college life.” Whether it’s horrible professors, boy drama, or nights we get too crazy, we’re there for each other. I know what we have is special and I’ll always cherish it.
I sincerely hope you find your perfect little (and my g-little) in the future. I want nothing more than for you to form another bond like ours. I wish I could be here to stalk girls in dark basements with you, but I’m leaving you in good hands. I also wish I could see all the amazing things you’ll do for our organization, but you’ll be great even without me here (you’ve never needed me to hold your hand anyway.) I’m so proud of you thus far and I know I’ll be even more proud in the semesters to come (don’t forget to keep me updated!)
We’ve shared laughs, tears, and everything in between. We’ve made unforgettable memories together and I know we’ll make many more before I leave. I may not be here physically, but I’ll never be too far away. I’m only just a call or text away. Thank you for being one the best things to happen to me in college. I’m dreading the day I have to hug you goodbye, but remember it’s not for forever. I’ll be visiting you whenever I can. Until then, I’m excited to spend my last few weeks here with you. Let's make the most of the time we have and I promise to hold onto every second of it.
Love you lots,
Your Big