You’re probably thinking, wow, this girl has depression? Yes, I do. Depression isn’t something that you can just look at someone and tell that they have it. Also, it doesn’t just affect certain people, it affects us all. I know how it feels to have a constant cloud of darkness hovering over you, day in and day out. You try to escape this dark atmosphere, and succeed. But, sooner or later, it finds you again. This becomes a repeating process, and soon you grow tired of trying to run away from this depression. So, you let the darkness consume you.
A year ago, I was at this stage of the depression process. I let my depression control me. I did not want to get any better. I woke up every day, not wanting to be here. I coped with my depression by staying in my room all the time. Skipping school. Letting a razor blade slide across my skin. Thoughts of suicide filled my mind, every single day. I didn’t see the point of living anymore.
But, everything does get better — as cliché as that sounds, it’s true. With the help of my amazing family and counseling support, I turned into a completely different person. Having depression, has taught me so many things and it has made me stronger, in more ways than I can explain. Overcoming a situation such as self-harm, or suicidal thoughts should be very empowering to yourself. You have the right to say then and there that you survived. You overcame something, that most people can’t. You are special and important. Please don’t forget that.
Do not be afraid to reach out for help. I begged my mom to not send me to group therapy or any type of therapy actually. When you are depressed, you get into this mindset where you feel like you do not need help. You lie and tell people that you feel completely fine, but you truly aren’t. Going to therapy opened my eyes to the world around me. It helped me get out of the darkness, and finally see the amazing world around me again. Therapy also helps you cope with life, so you can prevent yourself from going downhill again.
Without my emotional support system, I wouldn’t be here to write this article. I was so set on ending my life. I couldn’t see my future. I could just see the here and now. But, my life has changed so much in a year. I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. My future is bright — so, so bright. So is yours, so please reach out if you need help. Surround yourself with positive people, who want only the best for you! We all need help sometimes, and I know reaching out is the hardest thing to do. But, in all honesty it is truly worth it. Stay positive.