At almost every age, we have all been afraid of something. Whether it be the dark, our basement, the boogeyman, monsters under the bed, the unknown, and maybe even just the future in general. Sometimes this fear can overcome us, and sometimes we are able to overcome fear. I have had experiences with both scenarios. However, the way to try and defeat fear is to keep going after fear overcomes you and to face another fear head on. I'm not sure if anyone has overcome all of their fears yet, I know I haven't, but I'm definitely trying.
Right now, I am facing my fear of the future. What scares me is that I have no idea what is going to happen, not only next year, but the years after that. Sure, you can have a plan, I do, but there are certain scenarios that you just can't plan for. I think that is where the fear comes from. The fear of things that cannot be controlled. I am afraid of where I will end up in the future. What scares me is if all of my plans, some of my plans, or none of my plans will actually happen. For right now, all I can do is work as hard as I can to make all of my plans and goals possible. The rest, I'll just have to wait and see what the future holds.
Some fears may seem bigger to others, but all fears should be treated the same. This is because to you someone's fears that are different from your own may seem small, but to them they may be larger than life. When a little boy or girl is afraid of monsters under the bed, it may seem silly, but they are genuinely afraid because they have no idea what is actually under there. Being afraid of monsters under the bed makes the little boy or girl just as afraid as the unknown or the future makes someone else afraid. We all have fears, some we share with others, and some are all our own. Even if we choose not to share them, they are still there, and they won't go away unless we confront them.
The biggest advice I have for someone that is afraid is that it's okay to feel scared. We have all been afraid at least one time in our life, but no matter what, we have to try our best to overcome and move on to new experiences. Whatever happens, do not let the fear overcome you. It is not who you are, and it does not determine who you are. Another piece of advice I have is that you are probably not alone in your fears. Every time I have ever felt that I was alone in something, I have been proven wrong every time.
So just remember, we all have fears that we need to face, but it's okay to feel afraid, and you are never alone! You have the power to overcome it, even if you don't know it yet!
Someone who has been afraid and who is still afraid