Thank you.
This 4th of July, we celebrate America's 240th birthday.
We also are celebrating you, brave men and women who have fought and are currently defending our beautiful home. Don't think we could ever forget you.
Amidst fireworks, BBQ's, and every other 4th of July festivity, you are remembered. Every year when this day roles around, I can't help but feel incredibly lucky to live in a place where we are able to celebrate so many freedoms.
These freedoms come at a price though, and I am so genuinely thankful to you, individually, as a soldier, who gave up so many things to protect all the things that are important to me. Whether you're at home, or stationed somewhere internationally, I hope you are able to take a moment and let my gratitude reach you.
Thank you for sacrificing your time and life for America and her people.
Thank you for being selfless and doing something so amazing I'm not even sure I can fully grasp.
Thank you for being so strong, carrying our nation on your back. We wouldn't be standing so tall if not for you. I'm not sure where you grew up, but thank you for giving me a safe place to grow up.
Thank you for being fearless in the face of evil. I'll be praying for you as I hear patriotic songs on the radio and watching fireworks on the beach.
Please know today and everyday that you're not alone, and you have a grateful nation behind you, eternally indebted to your sacrifice and service.