A Letter To The Show I Stopped Watching | The Odyssey Online
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A Letter To The Show I Stopped Watching

Sometimes a show should quit while it is ahead.

A Letter To The Show I Stopped Watching
The Next Web

Dear Show,

I used to love you. Your characters were complex, your plot was intriguing and original, and the drama made me keep watching. I loved the plot lines, and how the characters molded with each new situation- character development at it’s finest. I was obsessed with you. I was constantly reblogging gifs on Tumblr, talking with my friends about the latest thing that happened, giggling with glee when you returned from hiatus.

Then something changed. You realized how popular you were, and how many people were talking about you, and then you craved that spotlight. You added more drama for the sake of drama. You created plot lines that were stupid and didn’t serve a lot of purpose to the overall character development. The show began to drift away from the amazing thing it once was. It became something different from the first few seasons. Sometimes, this isn’t bad. However, with you, it was.

Because your characters, characters I loved and couldn’t wait to watch, became clichéd and annoying. The plot became clouded with side-plots and plots that didn’t go anywhere or didn’t make any sense. The writing became worse, falling from the interesting dialogue I used to know. The characters were going through situations they had been through before, or they were changing from a person I knew to someone who acted out of character, and for no real reason.

The reason I loved you so much was because you gave me an interesting, coherent story which was exciting to follow. But after a few seasons, you changed so that the story was jumbled and confused. I didn’t love you for your drama or crazy situations. Those helped, but the story and characters should always be at the forefront. When you started to add more crazy situations just to make sure the viewers didn’t leave, you lost something more important: the characters and the writing. You traded interesting and thought-provoking to drama-filled lazy writing. I really don’t appreciate that. I love what you were before. I started watching you because of the simple story and interesting characters.

Please, know when to stop. Just because you can be renewed for another season doesn’t mean you should. Although it’s sad to see shows end, sometimes it’s needed. Because if a show goes on for six, seven, eight seasons, it will become stupid and clichéd. Instead, end the show at its peak. End it when the plot lines tie up nicely. You don’t need to have the show drag on. It may make you loose viewers instead of gain them. I wish you had ended sooner, so I didn’t have to see you become something so far from what you originally were. You have become so much worse.

-A once loyal fan

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