Congratulations! You've made it this far, and I know you can almost feel graduation in your hands. Now, almost two years from high school graduation, there are some things I wish I knew before the big day.
You really won't remember much about graduation day.
Seriously. The speaker at my graduation even warned us that we wouldn't remember his speech, and he was pretty spot on. When I'm asked about graduation day, I only remember a handful of details. I remember focusing very hard to not slip on the dewy grass of the football field, I remember photographers rushing around in a flurry of students trying to sneak cell phones into the ceremony, and I remember someone incorrectly quoting the Avengers movie that had come out less than a month before.
Your self worth doesn't lie in the number of college acceptances you receive.
If I learned anything from watching my friends and myself go through the emotional roller coaster of application season, it's that you shouldn't let yourself get bogged down by the results of those daunting envelopes as they arrive in March and April. You will find the path that you're meant to go down, even if that isn't what you envisioned a year ago.
It's okay to take a day off every once in a while.
Life is tough, high school is stressful, and drama is everywhere. If you feel yourself getting overwhelmed, turn off your phone and take the time you need. It might be an hour away from social media or a day away from school. You'll be granted more of this freedom in college, but it's important to start taking care of yourself now.
Don't stress about keeping in touch.
After graduation, you'll have some friends that you still talk to every day. With others, you'll get coffee any time you're home from break, and it'll feel like absolutely no time has passed. For a few people, you'll drift apart and begin living separate lives doing what you love at the university that you chose. Let things happen naturally. You may be surprised at who you keep in touch with.
Enjoy all of those home cooked meals.
The freedom of college is great, but there's really nothing like that signature meal your mom or dad is famous for. These might be your last few months of being at home for a while. Don't take it for granted. Additionally, cherish every trip to your favorite restaurant. I can't count the number of times I've craved my favorite meal from my favorite restaurant while I'm at school, hours away from my hometown.
Again, congratulations on making it this far. It's easy to fall into tunnel vision, counting down the days until graduation, move in, or classes starting, but Ferris Bueller said it best:
"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."