It almost sounds absurd to be writing a letter to myself 10 years from now. But as ridiculous as it sounds, I want the person that I will be ten years from now to know the things I am sorry and not necessarily sorry for as I am embracing this anarchic thing I call life while slowly embarking into my twenties. So here it goes...
Dear 30-year-old (hopefully) wiser me,
I hope you find peace in this letter and that you still have a special someone in your life, whether it be a dog, friend, or a loved one. To be honest, right now majority of the time my life is in shambles, but what else could you expect from a newly 20-year-old? About 70 percent of the time my life is a chaotic mess and I forget what day of the week it is. Hopefully by now you've learned the perfect means of a calendar, which currently 20-year-old me has no earthly idea about. I hope by now you've learned the inevitable truth behind consistently falling in and out of love, that us twenty-year old's despise. I hope you've learned the valuable lesson behind it all that sometimes the wrong person can lead you to the right person. I hope you still continue to value your true friendships and that when you have a BIG story to tell, you are calling all of your best friends and even possibly having conference calls with them. I hope as you've began to either plan your future family or are even beginning to have your own, you choose to not forget about your blood family members that made you into the person you are. I hope you still choose to call "Mommy" when things aren't going the way you completely want them to go. And most importantly, I hope you don't forget the person you once were ten years ago that has transformed you into the person you are today. With all of this being said there are a few things 20-year-old me wants to apologize and not apologize for that 30-year-old me may be regretting...
I'm sorry for what became the seemingly inevitable all-nighter's before too many tests to count when in retrospect, I could have used those libraries my tuition paid the bills for...
I'm not sorry for the colossal waste of time I spent consuming Little Caesars pizza's when I should have used that time in a more proactive manner, like maybe the gym I spent my mom's money getting a membership to...
I'm not sorry for all the times I chose cuddling my dog in bed alone on a Friday night over a drunken night on Northgate.
Sincerely younger, foolish me