Dearest Self,
Don’t freak out. I know this time of year gets stressful. Yes, you have twice as many assignments due than you have class meetings left. Sure, work is stressful. Of course you still have to figure out Thanksgiving, Christmas, and birthday plans without hurting any feelings, including your own. I have to be honest with you, self; there will be some times when you are hurt and upset and frustrated and you just tried to help and just wanted everyone to be happy and you’re trying so hard to be the best boyfriend and brother and son and boss and coworker and classmate and—oh yeah—friend, person, and human being you can possibly be and things still won’t go right. That’s okay. Don’t freak out.
Sure, your peers graduated six months ago and lots of them have “grown up” jobs. Yeah, you serve some of them coffee on their way to work with their Brooks Brothers suits and a trendy Vineyard Vines tie patterned with light pink and yellow and navy and you actually like it a lot so you compliment it and have a laugh but then clench your fists as they walk out because they’re going to their dream job and you’re still struggling to get through school. It’s going to be okay, self. It will.
It will be okay. You are strong and caring and motivated and smart. The fruits of your labor are ripening. You must remember to lean on those who love you so that you can remain in a happy place. You need to care for yourself in a way that allows you to effectively love others. If you cannot care and love for others; you are not doing what you are supposed to do. Above all the stress and frustration, love first. Care first. Be yourself.
It is taking you longer, but the longer and harder you push, the longer that fruit will have to ripen. It will ripen so ripe that when you finally achieve your goals and sink your teeth into that fruit its sweetness will send a shiver down your spine and through your limbs. Goosebumps will cover your arms. It will be awesome. Even if it’s not, just be the loving, caring person you are and you will find yourself successful. Please never stray from that. So long as you live a life of love and striving for happiness, you will never be disappointed in yourself. Even if everything you have been building crumbles to the ground, the sun will always rise. You will always have another opportunity to smile.
Keep on keepin’ on. Love yourself.
(Don't Freak Out is borrowed from Jimmy Dore of TYT Network and the Jimmy Dore Show)