Evergreen 006,
Thank you for being my home for the past 8 months while I was 6 1/2 hours away from everything that was familiar.
During the first month of school, I ran to you when the days were long and stressful. You saw me cry when I missed everything about home and when school was just too tough.
I remember the first time I called you home and I couldn't believe those words came out of my mouth. How did this dorm room become a place that I would grow to love so dearly? It no longer felt like summer camp and became one of my favorite places to spend time.
We've had some amazing times. You've watched me stay up until the sun came up because I was still working on my homework. You've watched Cristina (best roommate ever!!) and I grow closer as we shared way too many funny memories to recall. You've also seen me cry when I was sick, stay in bed and watch Netflix, and you've seen me take a tumble one too many times.
Through all of the crazy times, you were there. Thank you so much for all the memories and a wonderful freshman year. The future residents of Evergreen 006 better have just as much fun as we did!