Going into this year, I wasn't sure how close we were going to get or even what our room or the inside of our building looked like. I did know that I would be rooming with my roommate from last year, who is now like a sister to me, and that's all I needed.
After moving in, it wasn't bad; our dorm was small but eccentric and we had a nice room. The first couple weeks in, it was weird only because me and my roommate were living with someone else and it wasn't just the two of us anymore.
Now when I say weird, I mean it was awkward — more for our third roommate than anything. I apologize for the fact that we did not know you as well and that our relationship was already built and that we have a weird relationship and it was probably very awkward to watch. But you dealt with it and got used to it. And soon we all got to know each other, and luckily you are as strange as me and her both are so it probably wasn't really that awkward seeing how we act.
But since then, things are definitely different than it was at the beginning of the semester. The awkward silences have now turned into comfortable silences, and we are all used to the weird things and habits that each of us have. As much as I love living alone with Anita, I am glad that you are our third roommate. Seriously, like out of all the bad roommate horror stories I've heard and seen what people deal with, you are nowhere close to that.
We all got to know each other and have a good system at how things are in the room. So from our random unplanned naps, to staying up late writing papers, or the weird frustrating noises that we make when we are cleaning or procrastinating work, to the random outburst of laughs because we saw something funny on our phone, and everything else in between, we don't even question it at this point. I am glad that we can because I think I can speak for all of us when I say that we were nervous at what to expect when it came to rooming together. Since all of that is behind us and we now laugh at everything from memes, weird outbursts, and nothing at all, it is a little saddening that winter break is coming.
But only slightly saddening. We'll all be busy with work, the holidays, and family, and probably not text or talk to each other most of the time, and be too busy to miss each other. But we'll miss each other in the small moments where something we see reminds us of each other, or when we are bored in our room and have no one to bug (sorry Anita, love you). But we will all actually miss each other when we see each other again and get back to living together and think, how was I not bored during break not living with them?
So to my roommates as we go home and on break, I love you both. You both are amazing and I am so lucky to be able to have you guys as roommates and not have to deal with living with a crazy psychopath. Well, sort of, but Anita is a good kind of crazy and I wouldn't want her any other way. I am going to miss you both over break and I can't wait to see both of you again.