As you incoming freshmen are getting ready to move on to the next phase of your life, let us give you some advice. Looking back, I personally wish I had someone who was there to guide me through the rollercoaster that is freshman year and I’m sure my classmates feel the same way. With proper guidance, you incoming freshmen can not only survive high school but conquer it. Clearly, we are experts on freshman year so here’s a letter to the Class of 2021 from the Class of 2020.
Dear Incoming Freshmen,
First of all, congrats! You made it through middle school! Say goodbye to your childhood because now you are a part of the “big kids.” Introduce yourself to 7 cups of coffee and late night cramming sessions. Just kidding. You’ll be fine... hopefully.
When asked “What is the best thing about freshman year,” many students said the freedom that comes along with being a freshman. However, responsibility comes alongside this freedom. Make sure to use your freedom for the right reasons. Yes, there is freedom but having this freedom also means that you should work twice as hard to be successful.
Lastly, don’t stress yourself over small things. Within this one year alone, you will come across so many opportunities and challenges. There might be so many times where you will try to get yourself down because you did not achieve something you wanted to. You will regret your decisions and wished you were never in high school. Believe me when I say, I have felt like this a countless amount of times. Nevertheless, don’t let these things get to your head. You have to remember that hard work is the only way to be able to fight this feeling.
You might be feeling scared, nervous, overwhelmed, or excited. Whatever you are feeling, remember that these four years are gonna be a crucial part of your future. Good luck and we all hope that you too somehow manage to get through freshman year! :)
Class of 2020