Do you remember when you stood on the scale and how you felt fat? Well you're not, even if your BMI claims otherwise. I understand, this is an awkward time and your body is going through a lot of different changes, but you're not fat. Not even close. In fact, you shouldn't even refer to yourself as that.
Magazines, advertisements and the pressures of societal beauty standards are going to tell you skinny and pretty are beautiful, but if anything, just remember this:
Beauty, true beauty, goes beyond your body. It's not about the clothes you wear or the numbers you see on the scale. It's the way you carry yourself, the things you're passionate about, the way you treat those around you and most importantly, what you think of yourself.
Besides, the only person who can really determine your health is your doctor (who says, by the way, that you're extremely healthy despite your current pudginess). Do you really think that dedicating your thoughts and energy towards becoming a stick? Enjoy the curves you do have because life is short and there are far more important things to think about. In a way your physical attributes are part of your individuality. What makes you, you.
But if I must be blunt, you have much more important things to think about for the future other than the way you look. You're going places kid. Maybe you don't know it yet.
Just hang in there and hold onto your values. That's what really defines you. That's where you'll find your friends, career and purpose. Keep that at the forefront. Everything else is secondary.
Keep being you.
Slightly Wiser College Me