Dear President Trump,
Wel,l you have done it. You have won the general election and now your inauguration will be held on Friday.
January 20th, 2017 will be a historic day; a day that you will be acknowledged for the rest of time. This will be a day just like back in 2009 when the citizens of the United States of America elected their first African-American president. Yet this time, the citizens chose you, a celebrity over a politician.
You won; however, I understand that certain citizens still want to complain about Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by almost 3 million votes. They just don't understand the concept that states like California, New York, Texas, and Florida could run the whole election because of their population. I can understand that. No one likes to lose.
Now I must assure you that I was shocked with the result. I thought for sure that Hillary Clinton was going to be our next president. Though when I heard about the results, I did not cry, I did not skip class, I did not have to be coddled but I simply just carried on with my life analyzing why liberals were so hostile towards you.
Now let me be clear Mr. Trump, I can see that the media has successfully manipulated people into viewing you as an individual with pure hate. Now I know that the media has cut and shaped video content to make you look horrendous, but you cannot hide from verbally attacking others. Though lucky for you, the media's plan backfired. If it didn't, America would have been left with a president that, in my opinion, could not be trusted.
As I continued to ponder why radical liberals were rioting as well as sending out death threats to your voters, it hit me. Americans just want to be able to say that they are proud to be Americans. Unfortunately, our corrupted media has warped the minds of many Americans to see only the negative in you and not the positive.
So this is where I am going to call you out. I want to challenge you. I want you to prove everyone who has doubted wrong. I want you, Donald J. Trump, to ignite a spark in America.
I am a strong believer in judging a person by their actions and not by their words. From the media's standpoint, most people have already judged you by your words. Although I have not been a huge fan of you, I am waiting to see what your actions are before I give you my trust. Did you know that the saying "Actions speak louder than words" goes a long way? You as POTUS should make it a priority to earn the trust of our beloved Americans.
Keep your promises. I understand that you do not illegal immigrants coming to our nation and neither does most of the immigrants who come to America that are LEGALLY trying to obtain their citizenship. Yet your whole campaign has had a miscommunication of what you are really trying to accomplish.
That be being said, I hope that you will see our broken nation as it is and do everything in your power to unite America as a whole. Apply to both parties and not just your own. You now have America on your back. With much hesitation, I will say that you are my president. I now rely on you to be the voice of America. The citizens of the United States deserve to know the truth.
I am going on complete faith will your presidency. America and the rest of the world are now watching you like a hawk. If you do right by America, then America will only do right to you. But please heed my advice, if you perhaps let power go to you head, then Americans will unite to bring to down with whatever means possible. That is not a threat, that is just a history lesson. Again, if you so happen to continue to break our already broken country, then I will be the first one to sign up to take you out of office.
So, President Trump, I want to wish you well on your journey as President. I am not too fond of your cabinet, but like I said, I am going to use faith moving forward. Don't let Americans down and keep your word on making America great again.
Yours truly,
A citizen who desperately wants to put 'United States' back into U.S.A.