Well, we've entered a year, which mean, new classes, new people, new pledges, new drama, new bumps in the road. I learned a lot about myself in 2016, but I couldn't have done it without you ladies.
Dear PC 15,
We've been through hell and back in 2016, from going to one of the biggest pledge classes, to one of many, but close-knit people. We're going to take on the world together in 2017. I've never been more proud to call each and every one of you a sister. Let's be real here, Joce can lift more than I've seen a man lift. KJ is one of the most inspirational people I've ever met, and Loren, you are my sunshine on my bad days. I can't give you all individual shout outs or we'd be here forever, but ladies, from the bottom of my heart, thank you. I could not get through this year without any of you by my side.
Thank you, ladies, for becoming part of what I see as a part of my family. We pick each other up when one of us is down. We bicker and we fight, but when do sisters not bicker and fight? Thank you, ladies, for supporting me and any of us when we're going through hard times, it happens to all of us, but some of us are better at hiding it than others. But if any of you need a shoulder to cry on, someone to vent to, or someone to fight for you, call a sister, that's what we're here for.
This year made me realize that PC 15 is going places. We are a force to be reckoned with. We can't stop, we won't stop. You all make me very proud to call you sisters. I cannot wait to see what we do for this chapter, because it is our turn to make a difference. We have to prove that we are ready to take on the responsibility to make this chapter better than what it was when we came into it. We had amazing leaders when we were new members Sarah and Christine were great, Maddie and Grace were too. Bailey and Jacquelyn will do even better.
Once again thank you, ladies, for a great year, cannot wait to see what's next for us.
Much love and ITB,
A sister who needed you
PS: Can we have more PC dinners to El Mezcal?