Mental health carries this horrible stigma, which is why I write about it so much. Lately, I've been struggling with my anxiety, so many changes have happened in the past month in my life. Good and bad, I can't begin to explain how triggering it is when the slightest change happens in your life.
For me, it has been numerous things, too many to list off. My anxiety has been very high and I would be lying if I said it wasn't affecting my everyday life.
So to the person so like me who's struggling with their mental health right now. Take a deep breath and relax. How many times do you die in life? Once. My boss tells me this every day at work when I tell him how nervous I am over something small. Does it magically make it go away? Of course not. But it does remind me to take a deep breath and relax.
So if you're struggling right now take a minute find something that helps you relax. For me it's writing my articles, they prove to be very therapeutic. There are some articles I even write to get stuff out and don't post. Take some time for yourself and relax. Sometimes life is overwhelming, and you have to take a step back. Take care of yourself, get a massage, go to the gym, do whatever it is that makes you feel better.
Anyone that knows me knows I'm the mom friend of the group. When my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer I stepped up and became the mom. Sometimes thats still how it is with my mom being sick. And I have to learn to take a step back and breath and take sometime for myself. I'll do anything for anyone if they need it, but sometimes you have to remember to take care of yourself.
We're all strong in our own way. Whatever mental illness you are battling you can handle it. Don't be ashamed of it, don't be afraid to tell work or school that you need a break. Sometimes you need a break from it to perform your best. Of course we all have our bad days but don't let take over. Push through it. I've said it again and I'll keep saying it. You're a warrior for battling your mind everyday. Life is so beautiful and worth living don't let one bad day ruin it.