Yes, we all have thoughts and that is fine, but why do we feel the need to have to comment on everything that we do not agree with? Why do people, whenever they see someone doing good and are just feeling fantastic about their lives, always have to come in and instantly say or do something to put it down? Why can they just not let people be happy?! What is so wrong about that person being happy and proud for themselves? It does not matter if it's a relationship, education, house, clothes, skin, makeup or anything. People always feel the need to put their two cents into every single situation that they feel that they can talk about.
Why do you want to put someone down who is so happy about something? It is like no one can do anything good in this world without someone having to come in on Facebook or Twitter or Instagram or any social media platform with out someone in the world coming in and commenting and putting them down or shaming them? What do they even get out of it? How do they feel so good about themselves for making someone else feel bad when they were just so happy about that situation and now that happy moment is ruined for them?
These people confuse us in so many ways. They want people to be happy for them and proud of them for the goods things they do, but as soon as someone else has done something too, they feel the need to go and put them down because the spotlight has been stolen from them for a few seconds. Then when they get the spotlight back, it's not in a good way, it's in a bad way, and then they get mad for people putting their two cents in their situation when they just did the same exact thing to someone else.
Why can we just not let everyone be happy and call it a day? The world would be so much happier if we could all just let everyone be happy about whatever situation they are happy about. What is so wrong about them being happy just like you? How do you get off being happy by making them miserable? Let them be excited just like you and so many other situations can be so much better for everyone in this world if others would just keep their mouths shut and let everybody be happy no matter what the situation is. Next time you want to comment on someones happy post and down them for it, think about of they did that to you and how upset you would be. Treat others the way you would want to be treated.