Dear parents,
First off, I would like to say thank you. Thank you for everything you’ve done for me over my short years here. Thank you for taking care of me when I’m sick, supporting me with my many changes through life, and supporting my academic choices.
Thank you for raising me right. Thank you for raising me the way I hope to raise my kids one day. You raised me to always work for what I want, and you don’t just hand me everything I want. Thank you for making me work for my own money, it has taught me the meaning of earning a living. On the other hand, thank you for giving me things when I do need them. Thank you for sending me a little extra money because things are more expensive than I thought.
Thank you for raising me to be respectful of everyone, and to treat people with authority with the respect they deserve. Thank you for teaching me respect and patience. Thank you for raising me to be on time, be active, and be involved. For teaching me that sometimes things don’t go my way, and that’s okay. Thank you for all the hard lessons you’ve taught me; they’ve shaped the person that I am today.
Thank you for answering my phone calls and texts when things just aren’t going right and I need someone to cry to. Daddy, thank you for teaching me that the only man that you can really depend on in your life is your dad. Mommy, thank you for teaching me to be a strong woman who works for what she wants, and realizes her self-worth.
Thank you for making me home-cooked meals whenever I come home from college. To be honest, it’s the best thing to come home to. Thank you for always being at the door with a hug when I do come home.
I love you guys so much. You’ve shaped me into a hardworking adult. Thank you for giving me all of the tools to succeed in life. I know you’ll always be here for me, and I love you with all of my heart. I miss you every day that I am away.