I wish my parents could fully understand how grateful I am that they gave me the world and opened my eyes to its beauty. Growing up as an only child, I look up to the two of them the most because of the constant inspiration they instill in me to chase after what I love, always reassuring me that the choices I make are the right ones.
They've taught me more than any textbook could ever try to, but the biggest lesson I learned was the irreplaceable value of having a strong relationship between parent and child. Without any siblings, I saw my parents as my best friends.
They had always made themselves available to me no matter what silly arguments we had, and because I wasn't competing with anyone else for their attention, I felt closer to them beyond a parental connection. It's a comforting feeling to know that no matter how horrible a situation may be, they both were there for me in the blink of an eye.
My parents always solidified the importance of standing up for myself and holding my own. At a young age, I was able to do a lot of things on my own, and I quickly learned the intrinsic value of independence and being able to support myself.
Only children have the stigma of being spoiled or self-centered, which is not true in any way, shape, or form. If anything, I've learned how to truly appreciate what I have and how to hold my own. Because I grew up on my own, I've developed into the self-sufficient individual I am today.
I strongly believe that being an only child has made me wiser as well. It's been proven that only children tend to be "wise beyond their years," simply because they are exposed to more adult conversation. As a kid, my parents would always play games and watch movies with me, but they also included me in adult activities so I wasn't left out. Because of that, I grew intellectually before a lot of others did.
My parents continuously inspire me to do what makes me happy. I always see the hard work and effort they put into supporting me, as any parent should, and I've learned to never take that for granted. They've centered their entire lives around me, and I think I speak for every only child when I say that no amount of words could ever express how thankful I am to have a set of parents like that. Especially ones that are willing to shift the solar system if that means making me happy.
Growing up was tough at times, yes, because there were moments when I really did feel alone. Looking back on it however, I've realized that it has factored tremendously into my personality today. Even though I'm used to doing things on my own, I realize now that it's okay to ask for help (even though I really don't want to). And now I understand why I find solitude and peace when I'm by myself opposed to surrounding myself with my peers.
I'm forever thankful I have such a fruitful and fulfilling relationship with my parents, and that there's not someone else I have to share them with.