Yeah, I'm that girl. The girl that lives a life in a shell. Can you relate? I'm the shy one of the "group", the one that gets looked at last and forgot about when it comes to doing something.
It's something I've dealt with my entire life. All my friends are acquaintances in reality. Why? Because no one gets to know the truly amazing me. I'm the girl that went to college and stayed in college with no friends.
Now you may think, "yeah right, you have friends", but what is a friend that you never talk to, or hang out with, or get to talk to when things get crazy...?
College is portrayed as this place that you will make plenty of friends. Join a sorority, they say; join a club, they say; live with new people, they say. Where are my friends, I say?
I thought I planned my life accordingly-- go to a small college and make major life friends, but instead, everyone pretty much already had their friends to go to, and I'd rather not be someone's 5000th choice.
Maybe things would be different if I could walk up to random people or get a classmate's number/social media or whatever else people suggest for making friends. But no, I've done all of these things and nothing has changed.
I'm the girl that is used to not going to parties so I don't have to stand alone or going straight home after class each day and having no one to text, call, or even study with.
College is already emotional enough and adding no support to this horrendous mix just doesn't add up. In the long run, it really sucks to feel alone in a college of 10,000 people.
What I don't want is people to feel sorry for us folks that have a really hard time making friends. If I ever thought someone would listen to me, I'd become the President of the United States.
To other people that have issues with talking to people and making friends, know you are not alone. Even through the hard struggles in the past and in the future, you will find someone that knows what everyone else is missing out on. Just hang in there and be strong.
I find it comforting that there are others out there and together we are strong. Too bad we all can't just build a big tree house together and become each others' friends.
But remember, when everything in the world seems to be crashing around you, just remember you are not alone and one day, college will be over and life will begin.
Don't ever let anyone tell you or make you think that you are doing something wrong or something is wrong with you, because you're not! I know we get thoughts sometimes and it hurts, but it's not worth crying over anymore. Knock down those awful comments.
Stay strong out there, college students, and never give up your goals, because even though many people miss it, you are important enough and I care. We matter too.