Dear Sister,
There are no words to describe how proud I am of you and the woman you have become. You have started so many new chapters in your life over the past years. You went out and became an adult, you got the big kid job, and started paying the big kid bills. You were courageous and brave enough to walk away from a man that you didn't really love and that didn't really love you. You then found the man that would really love you and worked at overcoming the past for four long years before saying "I do." You bought a house and are ready to start the next chapter of your life: babies. But before you roll your eyes at me, I have some important things I want to tell you about why I, and everyone else around you, believe that you will be a fantastic mom.
First off, you've been taking care of babies since you were 5 years old. Again as a 10-year-old and again at 12 years old. You would always help mom out with taking care of us. From changing our diapers, feeding us, bathing us, putting us in our pj's, and babysitting us. You would play games, sing occasionally, let us watch our favorite shows, and let me play outside longer than I was supposed to.
However, you were also the first to tell on us if we did something wrong. And as much as I hated you for it, I needed it. I didn't need someone that would let me divulge in my wrongdoings. You kept us accountable without even knowing that you were helping us grow. You got this baby stuff down!
Secondly, you have a great role model to follow after. We all love mom, each in our own special way, but you and mom have always had this special bond. You were her first child, and she has always done everything she could to make sure that you were safe and happy, as she has with all of us. But you two are more alike than you think though I'm sure you notice it more and more each day.
Those tendencies you share with her are what will make you the best mother there is. You put others first, you take care of people you know and even those you don't, you love unconditionally, but you are also not afraid to put someone in their place if need be. I cannot tell you how many times you have kept me from going down a road I wasn't prepared for. And when I didn't listen to you or anyone else, you still loved me and held me when I cried and put me back on my feet. I would not be the woman I am today if it hadn't been for you playing mom.
Last, but certainly not least, you have the heart of a mother. God knew exactly what He was doing when He made your heart. You were born to be a mother. You have had maternal instincts since you were young. It shows every day, in the way you deal with the people in your life and in the way you love us.
I know you're scared about becoming a mom. I know you think that you won't be a good mom, and, for the life of me, I can't understand why. Because every day you are a mother. You're a mother to me, to the little ones, to your husband, to dad, to your friends, co-workers, the list can go on, and on.
You have overcome the past time and time again to get to where you are today. So, my request to you is to do it again. Overcome the not-so-good times you went through with mom or me or anyone and realize that the good times will weigh out the bad 10 times over. You are going to be the greatest mom to your children. And I cannot wait to tell them stories of how you became the greatest mother. I love you, always.
Truly yours,
Your baby sister