Dear sister,
You will always be my closest friend, even though we aren't close in age. There are more than ten years between us and it feels as though you've always been there. You were always the one I ran to when I knew I was in trouble, and also the one who got me in trouble. I'll always remember the days that you were down the hall from my room, and the days that you were hours away. I will always cherish the nights that you stayed up to give me advice that nobody else ever would. You have been with me through first loves and breakups; in tears and in laughter; in silence and in the nights when we couldn't stop talking. Even though we don't talk everyday, or even every week, I can always call or text you and we can pick up where we left off. You were never afraid to tell me I was being crazy or making the wrong decision. we look nothing alike, but we are the same person. I inherited many things from you, especially my taste in music and coffee. I can look at you a certain way and we could burst into laughter from across the room. I've never told you how much impact you have had on my life. I'll never forget the nights that turned into life lessons, or the days that turned into memories. You've gone before me in everything: in graduation, in prom preparation, in high school sweethearts, and in life. You've always made a path for me to follow, and when I get lost or take a wrong turn; you've been my GPS. You were my best friend when nobody else was. As we get older, and continue our separate lives, I'll never forget the things you have taught me. You were the one who always reminded me that my worth was not in my appearance or boys and to remember that I deserve the best. You were the one who fought with me over who ate the food that went missing, or the clothes that never got put back in the other ones' closet. I'll always be your little sister, even if I am in college. I'll always be proud to tell people you're my sister.
Your not-so-little sister