Dear Friend,
I am not the kind of person who makes friends easily - in fact I’m the kind of person who has had the same best friends my entire life. Branching out and making new friends will never be my specialty, but meeting you was different. Friendships can takes years to grow and become strong, but ours LITERALLY happened over night.
All it took was a few hours and we clicked. So rare, but so awesome! Ever since that night, we have become better friends each day and for that I am thankful. We have shared so many fun experiences in such a short amount of time. We have shared our hardships and sad stories too. But that is what friendship is; finding someone who you can laugh and cry with.
Since we haven’t known each other forever sometimes that makes our friendship. I am still trying to figure out how to have a new friend, and how to be a new friend. I have friends who, I swear sometimes, I can read their minds. With a new friendship, you have to work up to that, but we will get there! You already know me better then some people I’ve known for years! But there will come a day where I will know what you're about to say before you even say it. And, as with all friendships, there will come a day where I piss you off, a lot! But, we will work it out because thats what true friends do. (Sorry in advance for whenever that day happens!)
Thank you friend, for keeping me grounded when I want to fly off the handle and for reminding me to not be so “sassy.” Thank you for getting to know me and for becoming my friend, not because you felt like you had to because of our situations, but because you wanted to. Thank you for always making an effort to be the best friend possible. Thank you for being kind, honest, and fun all of the time. Thank you for accepting me, even when I'm being crazy.
Thank you for being one of the best friends I have ever had, and will ever have.