Dear Self,
Life is not easy, and it isn't easy to figure out who the real you is.
I don't know exactly who I am, and I probably will not figure that out for a long time. I know I have made a lot of mistakes that I do not want to relive, but I also have made a lot of good choices that I am proud of. Here are a few things I have to remind myself.
1. Love yourself.
I know this is easier said than done, and easy to forget, but it is very important. People will come and go, but that is alright. If you can remember to love yourself first, it will help you during the time people leave.
2. Don't be so hard on yourself.
The world is full of things and people to make you judge yourself harder than you should. Don't be your own worst enemy.
3. It is okay to not be okay.
Life is hard and you will not always have it together and that is okay. The main goal is to work at getting better. No one is perfect and nobody really has it all together, no matter how much they seem to think they do.
4. Never give up.
Sometimes life will test you until your breaking point, but never give up. The reward at the end will be worth it. Even when it feels like the biggest storm, just remember it can not rain forever. It is so easy to lose focus on what in life is important, but remember to love yourself and don't beat yourself up when you make a mistake. Mistakes are for learning and we serve a God who can and will forgive you of all of your sins. Always trust God's plan for your life and not your own and it will turn out way better than your own plans.
Love you always!