Hey you. I'm sure you're sitting there in your room right now either listening to music or writing because you want to feel better. I can say that that is one thing that hasn't changed about you. You may ask why I'm writing you, well, I'm writing to tell you that life gets a little easier.
I know right now all that you're thinking is that you want a different life and I can say you still kinda want that now. You deal with a lot at such a young age, but I want you to know that you get through it and come out stronger than you could ever imagine. You will have a lot that breaks you down in these upcoming years but the one thing that you will not lose is your faith.
You have a lot of friends right now; it's nice having people around you to take your mind off of life sometimes and have a good time. You must know that friends come and go and, unfortunately, the bonds you have right now won't last forever. That's okay, though, because the ones that truly matter, the ones that are most important, will stay. You will also create so many more memories with so many more people in your life. Losing friends is okay, more will always come along.
Oh and love? Well, you will have many chances with that. You will fall in love, you will fall out of love and you will experience heartbreak, but it's all OK. These are the moments that make you feel most alive. Love is a beautiful thing when it is right and true. Always, always, always know your self-worth and love yourself. It isn't until you love yourself that you can put forth the most effort in loving someone else. I know right now it's hard to distinguish what love is considering everything you have to deal with in life, but just know that you will learn from all of this experience. It will take a few tries, a few mistakes and some tears, but you will learn. Don't be scared of love, it's one of the most wonderful experiences when it is right.
Find your passion. I know there are so many dreams going on inside of your head right now and so many things that you would like to do. Just know, things may happen in life that deter you from your goals but try your best to stay focused. Nothing is going to be handed to you, you have to work for what you want. Work and work hard because you are the only one that controls your future.
Try your best to be positive. I know you feel down most of the time but I'm here to tell you that it gets easier. Happiness is a mood, not a destination. I know you're thinking if you had this or that you would be happy, but that's not always the case. You will soon learn that you are in control of your own happiness. It may take a couple bumpy roads to find your way but it's worth it in the end. You will find yourself and that is the moment you will see that you have the world at your fingertips and can achieve any goal you ever wanted if you truly want to.
Believe in yourself. Yes, you have so many people around you who believe in you, but the moment you start to believe in yourself everything changes. See, you don't have an easy life and it's easy to fall into depression or feel like nothing is going to work out for you, but it does. All I can really say is, you'll turn out alright, kid. You always had a way of bouncing back and that will help you in the future. Learn from every lesson, good or bad. Love with all of your heart and try your best at everything you do. It'll all be OK. Breathe.