This one goes out to the woman who made my life all possible (literally). Over the years, the relationship between my mother and me has changed drastically. And now, at 20 years old, I have begun to realize the significance of a mother.
So, here's to you, Mama. Thank you.
1. Thank you for the countless nights you put me to sleep.
2. Thank you for grounding me.
3. Because it taught me right from wrong.
4. Thank you for wiping away my tears.
5. And telling me everything will be OK.
6. Because "this too shall pass."
7. Thank you for letting me have the last piece of cake.
8. When I know you secretly wanted it.
9. Thank you for making me laugh.
10. And being my No. 1 fan.
11. Thank you for the boy haircut back in the day.
12. It added character.
13. Thank you for sending me off to camp every summer.
14. And thank you for making me wear a jacket.
15. Even when I thought I didn't need one.
16. Thank you for smiling even when, deep down, you didn't want to.
17. Because your smile makes everything okay.
18. Thank you for your strength.
19. Because, little did you know, you gave that strength to me.
20. Thank you for cleaning my room.
21. And keeping your cool when it was messy a week later.
22. Thank you for being my best friend.
23. And helping me decide on a nail polish color.
24. Thank you for lecturing me about watching my money.
25. And then convincing me to go ahead and get the shoes.
26. Thank you for understanding.
27. Even when it wasn't the easiest.
28. Thank you for giving me hope.
29. Thank you for supporting my decisions.
30. Even the blonde highlights in seventh grade.
31. Thank you for teaching me to work hard for what I want.
32. But that marrying a doctor doesn't hurt too.
33. Thank you for teaching me to love.
34. And comforting me when love gave me heartbreak.
35. Thank you for the hours you watched me change my outfit.
36. Only to pick the original one.
37. Thank you for cooking pancakes for dinner.
38. Thank you for teaching to believe in myself.
39. Thank you for your good storytelling.
40. Because I got my weird sense of humor from you.
41. Thank you for instilling in me a deep love of coffee.
42. Thank you for teaching me good manners.
43. Because it comes in handy.
44. Thank you for your patience.
45. Especially through those bloody teenage years.
46. Thank you for always making sure I knew I was loved back.
47. And giving me a hug, even when I didn't hug back.
48. Thank you for making me feel beautiful,
49. And making me realize that Kim K's bod is one in a million.
50. Thank you for putting my needs before yours.