The sound of her whistling down the hall walking toward the kitchen will forever be a memory in my head. I never thought of my Mimi as a regular grandmother, she was more then that. She was everything to me.
My memory of her goes as far back as waiting at the carpool line. Everyday I would hop in the car, immediately asking for a trip to the ice cream shop to get my usual: cookie dough ice cream. I remember playing checkers, chess, and solitaire for hours, and she usually won. No, she wasn't the type of grandmother that let you win; she was all about teaching you how to win -- in a very lady-like manner, of course.
Not only was she a grandmother, she was an artist, a musician, and an athlete. She received a scholarship to the school of Juilliard as a young girl and was ranked first in her state in tennis. Mom says she was as graceful as a ballerina when she had that racket in her hand. I remember playing with all of her tennis trophies and pretending I had received my first Oscar -- I was a very dramatic child.
Looking back, I cannot believe that she put up with me. I would fake sick just so I could have my afternoon snack served on her hand painted breakfast tray.The real win was being able to lie in bed, eat a snack, and watch the Brady Bunch.
She taught me how to read the stock market at age five. And every Friday night we would watch our favorite black and white movie, It Happened One Night.
She taught me the importance of tea time. Afternoons were filled with tea and pastries. It was all lovely until I knocked tea all over the ancient dining room table. That was when I heard my Mimi say her first cuss word. “Oh, dear Lord, I'm so sorry" came blurting from her mouth immediately after.
I wish I could talk to her now as an adult about all things grown up. She loved politics and was crazy conservative. I remember her crying as we watched the inauguration of George W. Our family jokes that she goes on dates with Ronald Reagan in heaven.
My sisters and I tell our nieces and nephews how special our Mimi was to us so her loving and caring heart will forever be remembered.
A grandmother is the best thing a child can have. They spoil and love you more than anyone -- but it's not just about the spoiling, it's when you are a child you truly believe your grandmother is a superhero when she's not with you. I loved my superhero and now she's my own personal guardian angel.
A couple of years ago I found a letter she had written me. She thanked me for my artwork I made for her. She told me she had loved spending Christmas with me, which was the last one we had together. Finding her letter made me smile that day. I felt like God had sent me a little hug. I have forever kept her letter nestled between the pages of my Bible so I know she's always with me.
It's like heaven got mail.