Dear Big,
Congratulations on finishing college! I'm so proud of you, and I know you'll do great things in your life and career. Since you are graduating, I would like to take a moment and thank you for being my big sister. You've made a huge impact in my life and my time in our chapter, and I would not be the person that I am today without you. You've made my experience in our sorority invaluable and perfect, and I will forever be grateful for that.
I knew you were going to be my big the first few weeks of being a new member. I remember agonizing during big/little week when I didn't know that I for sure had you as a big, and bursting into tears at reveal when I found out you actually were my big. You let me borrow an outfit to go to my first date party, guided me through initiation when I had no idea what I was doing, showed me how to tailgate for football games, took me on my first fraternity formal, and celebrated with me when I got littles of my own. From day one, I knew I had the perfect big and a perfect family, surrounded by wonderful sisters who encouraged, supported, and loved each other.
While you were always there for the fun times, you were also there for the not-so-glamorous moments of my sorority life and college career. You brought Advil and Gatorade to my dorm room after a night out, lent a shoulder to cry on after my first college breakup, and let me stay at your apartment when I was sick of my crazy roommates. There were also times when we absolutely couldn't stand each other, but it was almost always because you were telling me something I didn't want to hear, and you were always right. We knew it was alright though, because sisters don't always get along, but we always love each other through the good and the bad. You always looked out for me and wanted me to be happy. You were the big sister I never had, and someone who looked out for me, though I usually didn't realize it.
Though I'm extremely happy for you to have become an alumnae and have graduated college, I'm really going to miss you. You've been my mentor, my best friend, and the most wonderful big sister during my time in our chapter, and you are completely irreplaceable to me. I wish you good luck wherever life takes you, and know that I will be there for you; no matter where you are or what you're doing, I'll always be a phone call away. You will always be my big, and I will forever cherish our memories together.
Love, Little