Every girl needs her Dad, no matter her age. This is the man that helps guide her in life. The man that teaches her how to stand up for herself. The man that tells her she can do anything. The man that empowers her.
I may have already met you, I might meet you tomorrow, I might meet you 10 years from now-- and if you want to be my little girl's Dad, here are some things I ask of you:
(Photo via Pinterest)
I need you to be her number one fan. She may not always say thank you for coming, but she will look for you at every soccer game while she's on the side lines. She's definitely not the next Vincent Van Gogh, but she waited all day to show you her family drawing so you can hang it on the fridge. Tell her everyday that she can do anything. Tell her she can achieve anything that a man can do. She can be CEO, she can be a doctor, she can be an artist, she can be President of the United States.
Offer her your guidance, especially when she's come to a crossroads in her life. Every girl needs her daddy to convince mommy when she wants to have a sleepover, or move across the country for college. Talk to her. Share your opinion. Be her backup when I won't budge, when I'm being difficult. Help her decide what's right and wrong. When she struggles with the toughest life choices don't tell her what to do, help guide her to making the best decision for herself.
(Photo via How to Be Dad)
Be a presence in her life. Take her outside to practice before her big game. Go on daddy-daughter bike rides to get ice cream on the warm summer days. Drive around that school parking lot all summer long until she learns how to drive. Take her on her college visits (and try not to embarrass her in front of the cute college boys). Walk her down the aisle on the most important day of her life (and try not to embarrass her in front of her future husband).
Tell her how proud you are everyday. But that's not enough, mean it. There are going to be times when we are both disappointed in her actions, but always let her know that in order to grow we sometimes make mistakes. Instill in her that everything can be fixed, that she can do better. Believe in her dreams as much as she does, and especially when she doesn't. Lift her spirits when she's down. Lift her higher when she succeeds. Be her biggest cheerleader.
Take her on adventures. She's never going to be able to show off to the boys if she doesn't know how to compete with them. Take her on weekend camping trips where she wants to or not. Show her how to change her own oil and tires. Teach her everything you know. She will thank you later.
Show her unconditional love. Tuck her in at night and tell her you love her. Compliment her whether she's looking her best or her worst. There's nothing that warms a girls heart than a hug from her dad when she's having a bad day.
And the last thing I ask of you is the most important: Give her a reason to be thankful for you on Father's Day. If you are successful at everything else she will have no problem showing you the love you deserve. She will be so proud to call you her dad and will be thankful for you everyday. And to you, there will be no better feeling in the world.