Dear Roommate (Courtney),
I remember when I first got my roommate assignment the summer before our freshman year at San Diego State, and instantly stalking you on Facebook. Looking at your pictures, I started to make assumptions about you. My initial thoughts were that you were pretty and that you seemed like a very outgoing person. I wondered if you would be a messy roommate and if we would actually get along, or just tolerate one another because we were forced to live in a box of a dorm room for a year. Flash forward almost two years, now into our second semester of our sophomore year and, amazingly, still roommates sharing a two bedroom apartment. I can truly say that I am thankful a random roommate generator brought us together.
Thank you for being my first friend in college and allowing me to make your closet my second closet to choose from. I still wish we were the same shoe size, but I'll let it slide. Thank you being there for me during my breakup last year, and lifting my spirits up with your constant positivity and endless support. Thank you for dancing around with me in our living room to Ed Sheeran or Taylor Swift and screaming out the lyrics to "Let It Go" just because we feel like it -- although I am sure our downstairs neighbors probably regret our decision. Thank you for getting along with my best friends from home; it means a lot to know that we are all similarly crazy.
Thank you for being my mom here at college and giving me guidance and taking care of me when I need it. Thank you for going out with me on the weekends, even when you are sick, and for being down to rally with me during the day even when you have responsibilities to take care of. Sorry, I know I can sometimes be a bad influence on your academic life. Thank you for being as sarcastic and silly as I am, because not everyone gets our humor. Thank you for tolerating me when I decide to empty my entire closet onto our bedroom floor. Thank you for being you.
Not everyone gets along with their initial assigned freshman dorm roommate, but I am happy to say you have turned into my best friend and someone I would acknowledge as a sister. I am happy our friendship has blossomed and resulted in us signing a lease for a house next year to be roommates again. I cannot wait to see how the rest of our college experience turns out, but I am sure our friendship will surpass our remaining years, here at San Diego State, as we go into the real world.