An Open Letter to my Best Friends
Dear best friends,
You two know who you are. You are the ones who have been by my side for about 15 years now. It is insane to think about how fast time has gone, and how much we have grown together. The memories we have shared are too many to count and too many to write. A smile never fails to form on my face when I think about all the sleepovers, laughs and random late night drives. I think about who I would be if I would never have had the two of you in my life. Every day I realize more and more that I would not be who I am today without either of you. I recently was asked in one of my classes to talk to another person about one of the happiest days of my life. I immediately thought of a day that involved you two. I began to describe the day to the person, and started laughing as I talked about the details. That day was one of the happiest days of my life, even though everything went wrong. Everything that could possibly have gone wrong, did. We walked in the rain for miles without umbrellas or rain coats. We had to wait in a public restroom, under a bridge and a random tent so we would not get soaked (which ended up happening anyway). We were starving. We felt disgusting. We had originally gone to see the Air and Water Show, but by the time it started, were too exhausted to stay and watch. We ended up going home, eating pozole (a delicious Mexican dish) and watching Netflix. Oh, and took the most satisfying nap. The day of fun we had planned turned out to be nothing we expected, yet I can honestly say it was one of the happiest days of my life. As I finished describing my story to my classmate, I realized that my happiness does not stem from what I do, but who I am with. Our friendship has reached a point where it does not matter to me where we are, who is around us or what we are doing, because all I care about is having you two by my side. So here is to another 15 years, guys. Let’s make it awesome.