Dear Momma,
I love college. I love the sense of community that I feel here. I love all of my new friends that I've made. I love my professors. I love feeling like my coursework matters. I love doing things that are preparing me for my future. I love random 2am dorm room talks. I love making memories. But mostly, I love you.
And I miss you.
I know that can be hard to believe if you go days at a time without hearing from me, but that's only because with college life comes constant additions to my "to-do" list. There are definitely days when I feel on top of the world, like a free bird who is flying high above the clouds and doesn't want to ever feel bound to anything again. But there are other days when all of my stress and responsibilities topple down at once and I feel like an ant just trying to not be crushed. The difference now, though, is that when I felt like that free bird, I could always fly back to the security of my nest; now I can't. When I felt like that helpless ant, I could scurry into the protection of your arms; now I can't.
So just know that while I'm away from home, I am making amazing memories, being productive, and forming friendships that will last a lifetime. I am growing as a person, hopefully into a young woman you will be proud of, and learning to fly on my own. With each new obstacle comes an opportunity for me to overcome it. However, nothing will ever replace that comfort of your love for me. No relationship will mask the bond I have with you. College is my home address right now, but home is where the heart is. And my heart will always be with you.
Thank you for preparing me for this important milestone in my life; everything has been worth it.
Your (in)dependent college student