This letter is meant for you, millennials of America. I have written my thoughts and beliefs about the issues I want our future president to acknowledge. I encourage you to not only read this but to send it. Please copy this letter, print it out at home and sign your name. If you enjoy this piece as is, then leave it. If you wish to edit it to your liking, I give you permission to do so. It is time to make your voice heard, and having this letter sent out in mass amounts is a great step. Make your voices heard and make a difference. This world is ours to inherit, and it is time we take charge of what we want.
Mail to:
Donald Trump
The Trump Organization
725 5th Avenue
New York, NY 10022
Dear President-Elect Trump,
There’s a lot of power in your hands now, especially since your title will soon be President Trump. Not to be cliché but with great power comes great responsibility. You are soon to be the leader of the free world. Americans young and old will look to you not only for leadership but for hope and strength. Eyes from around the world will be on you, not only watching your decisions but thus deciding how they themselves will react in response. But this letter is not meant to lecture you like a parent does a child. This is a letter of hope, hoping that you will hear these words and take them to heart. That you will do what is right. Especially for the young people of this planet. The choices you are going to make in these coming years are ones that will affect us and future generations. Do not saddle us with mess and burden, but leave us with hope and determination.
Human rights. The rights of women, people of color, LGBTQ, Muslims, immigrants — all of these people deserve basic human rights. You have chosen a running mate who believes in conversion therapy. An outdated, torturous, crock of you know what excuse for science. To be in the LGBTQ community is not a choice they made one morning, it is a mindset they had to grapple with their whole lives to conclude where they fit in. They have JUST been granted the rights of marriage. This community has fought tooth and nail to be where they are today and still have not fully achieved equality. Mike Pence is the epitome of their worst nightmare, and I ask that to begin with, you do not let him snake his way into your mind. Do not let him take away their rights based on a false belief system with zero merits. As for women, women need the services that a place like Planned Parenthood provide. Women need birth control not only to prevent unwanted pregnancies but for all ranges of health problems. Women need exams and prenatal care because so many of these services are too expensive for those in impoverished areas. Do not make women live in a world where they will be forced to carry a sick child to term or forced to birth their rapist's baby. No woman ever said abortion was an easy feat, I can guarantee you that. It's not taken lightly.
Sadly, your election has caused a spike in hate crimes and derogatory outbursts. Those in the Latino culture accused of being undocumented have been harassed and called the foulest of names. People of color being have been called the N-word, hearing chants of “White Power” around them. They've been followed and physically attacked. Muslims have been called terrorists and now have to face accusatory remarks daily. Women are being called sluts and whores, and they fear increased sexual assault. People are waking up with hateful words and your name carved into their cars, spray painted on the doors, `and they hear your name shouted left and right but not in a kind way. I appreciate your recent remarks in asking the general public and your supporters to discontinue these actions. But you can’t stop at one interview. This must be a message you carry throughout your whole presidency. Bring our country together — do not divide it. Encourage Americans to see the similarities in their differences and to have nothing but love for each other. And if not love, acceptance at the least.
Of possibly the utmost importance is how you're going to handle our environmental crisis. The fact is Mr. Trump, climate change is real and it is a threat to humanity. Sea levels are rising, species are going extinct, people are losing their homes, the temperature is changing drastically and frankly, people are dying. This planet is our home, it provides us with food, water and life. Climate change is real, that's a scientific fact. Your duty as the future president of this country is to protect our planet for generations like mine and many to come. Your job is to keep our waters clean, allow the rainforests to flourish and protect the beautiful animals on this planet. It is your job to ensure not only our financial and educational futures, but to make sure we have a place to call home. There is no home like Planet Earth. To appoint a climate change denier as the head of the EPA — well frankly, that is you putting up a big middle finger to our younger generation. Now, that's a presidential legacy I'm sure you do not want to leave in the history books.
Mr. Trump, you have a duty to serve this nation and the people in it. You have a duty to work with foreign nations to serve not only the interests of this nation but to ensure we are cooperative with our fellow human beings overseas. I ask that as you continue your journey to the White House, hear the voices of everyone, but especially the young people. We are the one’s who will inherit the laws you put in place, the systems you allow and the planet you will leave us with. Listen with an open mind and an open heart. Make the choices that are right for the world, not just your party. The young people of this nation have immense power beyond the comprehension of many politicians. Our voices will be heard, and our beliefs will be pushed forward relentlessly. All we ask is that you lend us a helping hand instead of smacking it away.
The Future Generations of America