Dear Middle School Me,
Right now I know you are sad. More than sad I know you are struggling every day with tears pooling in your eyes because you were bullied again. I know you don't think you're the prettiest girl, funniest, and not even close to wanted. Those are lies. These bullies know nothing about you. They never took the time to get to know you and automatically assumed they knew who you were just because of the way you were dressed.
I will tell you who you are. You are a brave person. You have battled depression and not given into the darkness that is trying to muffle you.I know you think it is hard now but you have defeated that demon and there's no way he will ever take hold of you again. You are beautiful. Yes, this is something I struggle with still but you are fearfully and wonderfully made by God in his image. Everything he has made is good and you are his. Revel in that and never let go of God's promises that he loves you. You are wanted and desired by God and remember you are never alone. Right now I know that you also don't see a future. You don't see trustworthy friends and you are scared of high school because high school has to be worse than middle school.
Guess what? It gets so much better. I know it's hard for you to see a bright future now but I promise you with everything in me that things get better and in college, things look up even more. In high school, you will find long lasting friends like the girl that you met in computer apps the first day that's still your best friend. You'll meet the most ridiculous girl who laughs at you through all your stupidity and will laugh with you in your weirdness instead of at you.
I promise that you will succeed in high school through achievements and your character will grow. There will still be hard times and you will still sometimes be very sad, but you will have the best support system through your parents and friends. Friends will come and go, you will fail many math tests, boys will break your heart, and you will publicly embarrass yourself over and over but it will make you who you are. Then you'll stand on the stage at graduation asking yourself, "How can another school be any better than the one you are at now?" But, there you are at the front of your dorm room and you won't be able to look back now. I will not lie to you, the beginning of your semester you will hate college. It's so new and you'll miss the security that your home brought.
Everything gets better, though. You'll join a Christian sorority and your whole college experience will change. You'll be surrounded by a group of amazing girls who are seeking God. They will challenge you and you will not wait until later to seek God but you will try to seek him now. They will plug you into an amazing church and your big and grand big will shower you with so much joy that you won't have the time to be sad. I don't know what else is planned for us but I know God is in control.
So middle school me, smile. Your future is so bright. You are beautiful, brave, loved, and you are much stronger than you believe. You've fought so many obstacles already and they have only strengthened you for everything to come. Stand tall, your story is not over yet.
College Me