I'm sure everyone has gone through some tough times in their life. We all go through struggles that we have to deal with. Sometimes we wish it would all go away so we can be happy. Something I have learned is that when life gets hard I need to remember to love myself and to keep going forward without looking back.
This letter is not just for me, it's for anyone who is going through some sort of struggle. Whether it is a struggle with loving yourself, life at home, losing close friends, or even going through a tough breakup. Even though we all go through different struggles we should never forget to love ourselves and to remember that the best is yet to come. Hopefully, this letter helps people who need to know that life isn't always bad, that you need to remember to love yourself, and that life can only get better from here.
A letter to myself,
Hey, there beautiful. Yes, you. You're beautiful. I know you're going through a rough time right now. I know you feel like there's nothing left for you but there is. You're a part of this life to be happy, to be loved, and to be you.
I know you don't feel loved. That you always compare yourself to others and you don't know how to love yourself. I know losing someone so close to you isn't easy. From a best friend to a family member, it feels like a part of you has vanished. I know you don't like going home during college or after school because you feel like your family is falling apart and there's nothing you can do about it. I know you still love him and that the breakup still hurts you on the inside, even though you try not to show it, especially in front of your friends.
I know all you want is to be happy again and I know you feel like you deserve this--all this pain you are feeling. That you did something wrong to be treated this way but you don't deserve this and don't blame yourself for everything that is happening. You can't control any of this, even if you tried.
It's hard when life throws all these obstacles at you. Trying to balance school work, staying in touch with family, getting out of a relationship and trying to feel pretty, it feels like it's a lot to handle. Just remember one thing: in order for you to be happy, and I mean truly happy, you need to be happy with yourself first.
Now I know its hard these days to feel beautiful. You feel like you're not good enough even though people say you're pretty all the time. I know you don't choose to feel this way--to feel like you're not good enough or pretty enough--but remember, everyone is unique and beautiful in their own way. You may not look as pretty as the girl next to you, but one day someone will show you how beautiful you are. Go look in the mirror; that person right there, I think know is beautiful.
Feeling loved is the best feeling in the world. I know you feel like it is all gone right now, but it's not. Don't forget that you are lovable. I know you feel like love is impossible to find now that he is gone but you don't need someone in order to be loved. Someone once said, "In order for someone to love you, you need to learn to love yourself first." It's true. You have to love yourself for who you are before anyone can love you and before you can love someone else.
Now listen, go look in the mirror, smile and say "I am beautiful, I am happy, I love myself," because you are all those things and more.
With love,