Life is an ever changing, chaotic mess of crossed paths and burned bridges. One day someone could be your best friend and the next you could find yourself all alone wanting desperately to turn back time. But the truth of the matter is that time is forward moving entity. Even with apologies, discussions, and promises…nothing will ever be the same as it once was. After a falling out, all the vibrant memories that once were become a little duller. Looking at the old pictures, or the corner of a room where you first met sparks a sharp tinge in your heart instead of butterflies in your stomach. The music you exchanged suddenly sounds a little off key, not nearly as good as it did when you were listening to it together.
But sometimes decisions need to be made, and the worst thing about these decisions is that they have the power to turn your world upside down. You could choose to go out with one group of friends versus another, or to not go out at all. Every second of every day forces you to make decisions; and while some of us are better at this than others…not every decision is going to be a winner. Sometimes you’ll make a decision that you know is going to hurt you, or someone else and that you may lose a childhood friend or old flame forever.
I’m not going to lie; these decisions are going to hurt. They’ll hurt you to make, and sometimes it may hurt even worse to watch the aftermath. And worse yet, sometimes you’ll be on the other end of the decision. You’ll be replaced, left behind, and thrown to the side. But the truth is, you will be ok. Sometimes that person will come back, there is always the potential for people and circumstances to change. Things are never guaranteed to go back to exactly the same, but that doesn’t mean things can’t work out if you’re willing to fight for it. So for all of you going through losing someone, I promise my fingers are crossed that everything will work out for you.
But, if that friend doesn’t come back or that guy decides to move on to someone know, remember you still have yourself. You are just as strong, funny, beautiful and smart as you were when that person was a part of your everyday life. So let yourself cry about it, blast some music whether it be Kanye West or sad country or anything else in between. Eat some ice cream, and lay in bed with your best friend crying and watching Netflix. Find some way to fill that hole in your heart, because you will survive. I’m a strong believer in the idea that everything happens for a reason; maybe that person left to make room for an even better person…the possibilities are endless.
Don’t give up on yourself, or in people. Not every person that comes into your life is destined to hurt you. Just because one person decided not to put you first doesn’t mean that there isn’t someone out there that will treat you like their everything. So hold on, keep your head up, and I promise that hole in your heart will heal and soon you’ll be better than ever; wiser and with more experience that will only help you in the future.