My current best friend, Lauren, and I hated each other for upwards of two years. She despised me and I equally despised her. She not so nicely reminded me that my boyfriend at the time looked like Abraham Lincoln every chance she got. In turn I fired back with some mean comment about her current boyfriend. After those not-so-great boyfriends broke our hearts, we turned our mutual hatred to the male species and a beautiful friendship was born. We've been inseparable every since. Our relationship took another major turn last year as we graduated high school and moved one hundred and fourteen miles apart from each other. We have still remained just as close and I cherish our relationship more than I ever have. So Lauren, this one's for you, shug!
Thank you for always texting me the boring details of your day. I love hearing about how you're never on time for class (sorry, Alison) and everything that's going on with your gal pals. Hearing all these boring details make me feel a little closer to you and considering we've pretty much spent every day together for the past two years, it is much needed!
Thank you for buying me Cokes when I come to visit and giving me pointers on how to survive in a communal bathroom. Even though I have been desperately trying to kick my caffeine habit, you always have Cokes and mini muffins (my weakness) waiting for me. You also helped me survive my first communal bathroom trip, which makes you a saint in my book.
Thanks for always going along with my shenanigans. You're always up to help chase someone down and will even keep the car warm for me.
Thank you for always being there to pick up the pieces. You have put me back together more times than I can count. From college acceptances, scholarship letters, jobs and crappy ex-boyfriends, you have literally be there for me through it all.
Thank you for not judging me when my life is in shambles. More times than not, I don't know whether I'm coming or going, but you always remind me to take a step back and tell me, "It's fine, you're fine, everything's fine."
Thank you for telling me the best saying of all time. "Like it, lump it, dig it or dump it," will forever be the best saying on God's green Earth.
But most importantly:
Thank you for being my best friend. I seriously do not know what I would do without you.