My Dearest little,
Happy Initiation week! This Saturday, you will no longer be a new member but instead will become an active member of Phi Lamb. In a way, nothing will change, but in another, everything changes. I always said I would never join a sorority and I didn’t. I joined a sisterhood, a family, and something so much more. I hope that a year from now when you are preparing to initiate my g-little, that this experience means as much to you as it has to me. I hope that Phi Lamb is everything you dreamed it would be and that you grow even closer to your sisters than you are today.
I am so glad I get to initiate you into the active body of Phi Lamb this week! I've been anxiously awaiting this special time since my initiation last December. It's so hard to believe that it's time for you to be initiated! This week is going to be crazy since its dead week and initiation week, but it will be well worth it in the end!
I am so glad you found Phi Lamb and decided to join our amazing family. I honestly could not imagine having anyone else as my little and I am so grateful that I am a part of your life. Even though I've only known you since September, I feel like I've known you forever! I cannot wait to see what the coming years bring us and our little family! I am so happy for you and sooner than you know you'll be getting your own little and initiating her!
As your time as a new member ends and your time as an active begins, I want you to know that even though this chapter of your Phi Lamb life closes, being an active is just as fun and just as special! I will support you no matter what, whether its choosing to run for exec team, or making the choice to go inactive (I hope that never happens, but if it does, I am here for you. Always.) I am here. I believe in you. I love you and I thank God for you each day. I can’t believe you’re my little! Congratulations on becoming an Active!
Your Big