Dear Little,
First I'd like to say how proud I am to have you representing our family. When people think of our sorority family, they will think of our most recent member and hopefully say, "she's great, I love her." You have shown that you truly love and are dedicated to our chapter. You represent our oath, creed and values so well. I knew you were the right choice, and I brag to you every chance that I get.
My initiation day was one of the fondest memories within the chapter. It was the time I realized that your grand-big loved me for all my imperfections and that I would be lucky enough to call these women my sisters. It was the night I became something much bigger than myself.
Now it's your initiation day, and I'm so happy to have you join something that is a huge part of my life. This can now truly be your home. I get to share our chapter's secrets and rituals with you and even our secret handshake! I'll root for you when you run for chapter positions and stand by you when you congratulate your competition. Now everyone can see what a great sister you are (even though I really don't feel like sharing you). I'll have to sit back and watch other girls in your class grow closer to you, then I will remind myself that they won't have the bond that we have.
Getting to see you grow will be a great joy to my life. Tonight I will pin you with your new badge and watch you become an initiated member. My big and grand-big will both be watching, then whisper to me that you were a perfect addition to the family. I'll look over to my best friend and smile after I pin your badge on. She will then give me a mean look and tell me to pay attention...sorry.
Unsurprisingly, you will try to make me cry when you give me that special board that you had finished by Easter break. I won't cry, but then I will present you with the board that your grand-big and I worked hard on. Never ever lose this, this is one of the items that I pray will remind you that you will always have some one to talk to, go out with and binge watch Park and Recreation with. We will always, always be there for you. Also, the paint may still be wet because your big is a little bit of a procrastinator.
Being a member of the chapter might just be one of the hardest and most rewarding things that you do in college. You will butt heads with some people and disagree with some actions. That's life, though; just remember that people make mistakes and that you need to take responsibility for your actions. Also, remember that you didn't just join this chapter to be social, you joined because it has a purpose. We are all coming together to raise money for people in need or charities that need our help. Remember to always give your time and skills to philanthropy. You will take away some friendships after graduation, but most of all you will remember how you impacted other peoples lives.
You have impacted mine in the greatest of ways. I can't wait to see you grow.