Your last year of high school is almost upon you and although this is exciting, it is also your last year before adulthood. Anyone that has told you Senior Year is the easiest year of high school has, unfortunately, lied to you. It is a whirlwind of college applications, acceptances, rejections, heavy workloads, and extreme laziness. Although this emotional roller coaster is going to have its ups and downs, it is undoubtedly going to be the best year of high school you will ever have. Senior year allows you to open up and truly find yourself as you determine which path to take for your future. As I write this, I wanted to include a couple things that I wish I was informed of before my senior year.
My first piece of advice is to do your schoolwork. Yes, senioritis is a very real, very serious problem but do not let it consume you. Do your work in a timely fashion. I can promise you, you do not want to spend your weeknights in a caffeine induced haze rushing to complete a paper that was due the night before (AKA, do not be like me). Even when you are accepted into colleges and think you can slack off, don’t. Keep up the good school work, it will pay off in the end and your teachers that have seriously lost hope in all of their senior classes will seriously appreciate your efforts.
Although schoolwork is extremely important, all too often students will push themselves to their breaking point in order to do well in school. The stress of school can lead to severe anxiety and depression for students. I want all high schoolers to understand that it is important to put your mental health first. Staying up all night to study or finish a paper will not be beneficial in terms of your psychological needs. It is okay every once and awhile to take a break; take a day off from school to catch up or just relax in order to keep a steady pace with your school work. Also, a friendly reminder that one bad grade in a class does not define you.
Most people push themselves to get good grades in order to get into good colleges. Senior year will show you that getting into college is extremely competitive. Schools continue to raise their standards for acceptances making it nearly impossible for good students to get into their dream schools. Despite your hard work you may find yourself denied from a school you really wanted to go to. It is important to remember getting rejected from a college is not the end of the world. I was someone who had my heart set on schools only to be rejected by them but learned that it only benefited me in the long run. Although I was upset at the time, I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason and I could not be happier with the college I decided to attend. If you are planning on going to college, you will end up at the school that is right for you despite difficulties you may face.
Senior year is going to be a stressful time and it is important to not forget about your friends and family while being so busy. In a year you will more than likely be going somewhere far away. This may not have hit you yet but your parents will soon have to let you be on your own. Although many teens feel like their parents may suffocate them with attention during this time, it is because they love you. Your parents are going to miss you more than you know so spend time with them while you have the chance. In this time, it’s important to not forget about the friends who have helped get you to where you are. Spend time with the friends you want to keep during and after high school. It is also important to cut ties with those who you do not want to spend time with anymore. Toxic friendships/relationships are far too common in high school and if you feel the need to cut ties with someone who you don’t think is good for you anymore, that is okay. This is your last year to have fun with people you enjoy and make new friends before you leave, don’t let people who you need to let go of bring you down.
My last piece of advice to incoming seniors is to truly appreciate your surroundings. Although you may complain heavily about school, I know I did, you would not be where you are today without it. Make sure to thank your teachers, take a lot of pictures, and hug your parents. Although a great future awaits you, you will miss the familiarity of your town. Take time within the next 12 months to truly appreciate the town you grew up in and everything it has offered for you. When you leave you are forced to say goodbye to your home, school, family, friends, and unfortunately your childhood. Take your time with the childhood you have left, the real world is out there but it will wait for you.
Senior year had its ups and downs but the struggles and joys I experienced throughout it have built me to be who I am, as I venture off to college this upcoming fall. As I wrote this article, I specifically had in mind my younger friends, who I would not have survived high school without. I want to thank all of my incoming senior friends who have given me some of my best high school memories and helped me through high school. As to anyone else reading this who also has anxieties about their future in high school, I wish you the best of luck. Although I am sure many of you are eager to get out of high school and face the real world, just make sure you appreciate your last year. Your senior year of high school will be the last year where you can truly be a kid so make the best of it.