To those who have hurt me,
First, I would like to say what you did hurt me. Whether it was cheating on me in a long relationship, cutting me off with no explanation, talking dirty behind my back, or anything else - it hurt. You broke me down when you showed your true colors. I felt naive, helpless and vulnerable, and I'm OK admitting to that. I hope one day, if you haven't already, you feel remorse for your actions and words towards me. I have forgiven you, but I have not forgotten. Let me tell you why.
I have not forgotten that, although you have hurt me, you too have been hurt. I have not forgotten what you say about me does not affect my performance everyday. I have not forgotten you were once my friend, and even if you don't ever call or text, I will be here for you in the end. I have not forgotten when you cheated; it is not because of something I lacked, but a flaw in your character.
Because of your words or actions towards me, I have grown stronger. I have thicker skin, and will not be pushed around. I will no longer let anyone invalidate my feelings, or demean me for being upset. I will not let myself feel the way I did when you hurt me. I will carry on, and allow myself to love after you had cheated. I will work harder to be in shape, and to do well in my classes. I will work harder at my job and career goal because of what you said about me not being useful to my field. I will be a better version of myself. Not as an "I told you so," but an "I SHOWED you so."
So no, I have not forgotten. But not forgetting is what makes me have a bigger heart, what makes me stronger, and what makes me work harder. I wouldn't say thank you for hurting me, but in some twisted way, I'm glad you did. You made me feel small, so I can show you how big I am. You made me feel naive, so I can show you how smart I am. You made me vulnerable, so I can show how much I can grow to love myself. You made me feel disrespected, so I can learn trust and respect once again. So no, I'm not thankful to you for hurting me, but in some way or another, I'm glad you did.
The one who once hurt