Dear Homeless Person,
I realize that you are struggling to get noticed in a society that ignores you. I want you to know that you aren’t invisible. There are people that see you. I am one of those people, and my heart hurts for you. I know this isn’t the life you chose. I understand that a series of unfortunate events occurred and you ended up where you are today. I realize that you may have made some bad decisions along the way. If you did make some mistakes that got you to where you are, I want you to know that I don’t criticize or judge you, because I have made some pretty lousy decisions myself. It makes me sad to know that the consequences of your mistakes were worse than mine. Know that no matter how you got to where you are, I don’t see you as any less of a person than me. I want to help you regardless of how you got here.
The way I see it, I don’t deserve anything I have, and you deserve everything. If “justice” is something that our world strives for, then the world owes you so much for all the pain you have endured on its behalf. It saddens me to know that I have freely been given so much when everything has been taken away from you. I wish that I had the resources to save you from your suffering. I wish I could give you everything you need to get back on your feet. I wish I could reach out to you and every single person struggling in the same way as you.
I'm praying for you right now. I'm praying that you seek comfort and strength through the Lord. I'm asking God to give you the strength and perseverance that you need to make it through your hardest days. I'm praying that you never give up on this world. I'm praying that you are praying. I ask God every day to make your life easier, to give you a break, and to put some of your suffering in my hands. I pray that one day I can take some of the weight off of your shoulders.
When I’m praying for you, I'm also praying for all the people in this world. I'm praying that they listen to what Jesus tells them, and when they don’t listen, I pray that God speaks louder in their lives. I pray that through all the distractions of this world, people see you. I'm praying that they stop seeking happiness in material things, and start seeking joy from helping others; from helping you. I pray that society's eyes are opened and that you are noticed. I pray that people stop pretending like they don’t see you. I pray that people stop being afraid of you and start respecting you as the person that you are.
More than anything, I want you to know that your life is a blessing. I realize how difficult it must be to look at your life in this way, but trust me when I say that all your struggles are part of God's plan for you. It sounds insane. It may even make God seem like a bad guy, but trust me when I tell you that He is the best. He has this amazing plan for your life; maybe his plan is for you to always be homeless, or maybe his plan is for this hard time in your life to pass. Either way, God is using you in ways that you may not understand right now. Oftentimes, God takes everything away from His strongest people in order to open their eyes to his grace. Time after time in the bible, Jesus healed His people. These miracles that Jesus performed were amazing, but when reading about these events, it’s easy to look past what the person had to struggle through before they were healed. Through Jesus, God has overcome disease, blindness, leprosy, handicap, and even death. But, before these people were saved they lived most of their lives with these awful disabilities or illnesses. God used these struggles to introduce his love to these people, and He wants to do the same with your struggles. Its up to you to let Him.
God loves you, and he wants you to know that you are a strong person and that you can overcome these hard times. Your stronger than I could ever be because your day to day struggles are real. You see the world on a level that a lot of people will never see. On your best day you face more hardship than I do on my worst day. You are a living example of true strength. You have the compassion to tell me to have a good day after I tell you I have no money or food to give. You inspire me to be more selfless. You inspire me to keep a good attitude. You inspire me to count my blessing but to never let my blessings get the best of me.
I see how messed up our world is. I see how people throw away their money on unnecessary things. I'm sorry that I sometimes get caught up in this egotistical world. Its selfish of me to waste my money on excessive clothes and luxury items when you struggle to buy food. I'm sorry I haven’t always given you money or food when I very well could have. I'm sorry for being afraid of you in the past. I'm sorry for not treating you with the respect that you deserve. I'm sorry for not always saying hello when I walk past. Forgive me for the self-centered life I have always lived.
A Woman Who Sees You