Dear Church Family,
I cannot thank you enough for all that you have done for me since being at your church. I have been blessed beyond measure to be able to be a part of your congregation. You all have allowed me to truly see what it means to be a part of the family of God. Today, I just want to take the time to show you and thank you for some of the many things you have done for me.
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First off, thank you for teaching me the importance of scripture memorization. I cannot tell you how many times throughout my day I recall a verse I learned in the AWANA program or in Sunday school. I truly have hidden these verses in my heart. Although some people consider me a know-it-all since I can recall verses so quickly, I consider it a huge blessing because it allows me to not only remember what the Bible says about my current situations, but also allows me to be an encouragement to others by the use of scripture.
I also thank you for always financially supporting me. Whether it was graduating from high school to supporting my numerous mission trips, you always are such a blessing monetarily. I truly have been overwhelmed and brought to tears over this. You have seen my heart for missions and you know that it is not cheap to travel the world to share the gospel. So thank you so much for giving so that I may go and make disciples.
Thank you for your constant encouragement. Every month I was so invigorated when I checked my mailbox to see that my church family had sent me a letter or a care package. Every time I come home, I am flabbergasted by the amount of people that come up to me saying that they have been praying for me and are continuing to pray for me. During finals week that was greatly appreciated. The texts, phone calls, and simple hugs on Sunday mornings are sometimes all it takes to make my day. With seeing so many of my friends discouraged lately, it has reminded me how important it truly is to encourage others also because I know how much it means when you encourage me.
Lastly, thank you for sharing with me the greatest gift I could ever receive, and that is the Lord Jesus Christ. It sincerely breaks my heart to know that there are people around the world that have never even heard of Him. He gives me hope. He gives me purpose. I just don’t understand how people could choose to live without Him, just because I have been blessed beyond measure by Him throughout my entire life. So thank you for introducing me to the man that I now live my life for each and every day.
I could go on and on for days about all that you have done for me. No, we are not a perfect church. If we were, I would leave because I would probably ruin it, but you are my family. Many of you have become closer to me than my actual blood. Leaving for college was a lot harder for me because I knew I would also have to leave each of you. Finding another church as loving and encouraging as you all can be quite difficult because nobody will ever replace you guys. Thank you for making it difficult. Thank you for making church somewhere I enjoyed to go. Thank you for allowing the church to be a place I can call home.
Love always,
Your sister in Christ